
了得網影音 書籍-了得網音樂_DANCE TODAY! BELLYDANCE 學跳肚皮舞 9




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  • 音樂類型:流行音樂/Pop
  • 音樂介質:DVD
  • 發行地區:歐 美

Dance Today! Bellydance學跳肚皮舞帶分解動作DVD 9兩個小時

December 19, 2006 歐美上市的。 全長兩個小時內容,裡面包含分解動作講解演示內容。相關介紹:When life becomes a bit too predictable and routine drains you of excitement its time to let the magic of dance carry you beyond your current horizons.Discover new ways to move to look to find friends to stay in shape and to shake off stress. Dance is a language: Tell your story and celebrate your true self through sensual feminine movement.Even if you learn just a few steps dance will always be with you a sparkling new facet to the precious gem that is YOU.Learn two dances with Neon: A fluid sensuous dance set to a slow ciftetelli rhythm and a fast and exciting bellydance drum solo!Modern bellydance is an amalgam of historical dance styles coming from both East and West. Bellydance is one of the most artistically-open and fastest-growing contemporary dance forms.It is popular on the club dance floors featured in sexy music videos and is a growing fitness trend.Bellydance is an amazing source of physical social and emotional benefits. It stimulates and heals the body prompts weight loss has a meditative effect on the mind and lifts the spirit by enabling you to own your feminine power. Bellydance cultivates companionship among women and helps us take a more confident and open stance toward the world.These unique benefits are making bellydance a modern lifestyle phenomenon - a way to find freedom from the ordinary and get in touch with your inner goddess!Bonus! Bellydance performance by NeonSystem Requirements實際截圖:

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